I’ve constructed version 4.0 of the hardware. Notable features are: Pictures of the hardware and a schematic are below:
I’ve constructed version 4.0 of the hardware. Notable features are: Pictures of the hardware and a schematic are below:
So after a bit of a hiatus I’m back working on this project. I completed the V3 hardware some time ago and recently I’ve made quite a bit of progress on the software. Hardware Details Here’s some pictures of the V3 prototype as well as the schematic Side View showing Thumb Joysticks View showing valves and display Schematic Observations on the Hardware Design The thumb joystick for pitch selection is a definite fail. There isn’t enough travel to give accurate… Read More »MIDI TRUMPET 3.0 Update
Although I haven’t posted recently ideas have been burbling around in my brain and I’ve purchased some parts for the 3.0 design. I’ve made the following hardware choices: Component Selection I went ahead with the Adafruit Feather M0 Bluefruit LE ( https://www.adafruit.com/product/2995) Using two of these thumbsticks: https://www.adafruit.com/product/444 The 3.3V NXP pressure sensor: https://www.nxp.com/part/MP3V5004GP For now I’m using some cheap pushbutton switches Electrical Design 11/19/2019 Update: need two more pins for the display 1/3/2020 Update: Changed DIO assignments I’ve assigned… Read More »Midi Trumpet 3.0 HW Design
While 2.0 is a big improvement over 1.0, there’s still plenty of room for improvement. Here’s my goals for the next iteration: More compact form factor. I’d like to be able to throw this in a backpack or squeeze it into my suitcase so I can work on SW or play it when I’m on the road. Better valves, the micro switches are pretty delicate, which contributes to the portability problem. Improve pitch controller. The bike throttle is cool, but… Read More »Midi Trumpet 3.0 Planning
I’ve finally completed a second hardware platform. It now features: 128×64 Monochrome display Much more ergonomic design Here is a side view showing most of the mechanical elements: The bottom handle is the top of a cane. The pitch control is attached to the handle, it’s a throttle for an electric bike. On the side is a joystick which provides 2 continuous controls and a push button, along with two additional push buttons. On the top are four switches representing… Read More »MIDI Trumpet 2.0
So to get USB midi working I needed an in-circuit programmer for an Arduino. It’s very easy to make one from an Arduino, I used a nano I had with a DB9 connector since I have a lot of those laying around. There are a lot of descriptions on how to do this, the key thing I learned is that to use the nano you definitely need the 10 uf cap between reset and ground. Here’s what my programmer looks… Read More »Making a Arduino programmer
The first prototype works OK, but there are a couple things I’d like to address: – The form factor is pretty awkward. The push buttons don’t feel very much like real trumpet valves and it’s hard to hold a rectangular box and manipulate the slider. Some additional controllers would be nice as well. – USB midi would be preferable – I’m not sure if the filter for the BC helps or hurts. Here’s my plan: – I’ll replace the Arduino… Read More »MIDI Trumpet Next Steps
I mounted everything in a small equipment case: The Beaglebone Black, UCA202, and a powered USB hub are mounted to the top of the case using industrial strength velcro. To mount the mixer I removed the rubber feet and the drilled holes in the bottom of the case and used the existing stand mount holes on the mixer.
Here’s what it looks like put together: You can see the Arduino shield, with connections to 3 pushbuttons and the slider on the top of the box. The cable coming out the right side is the usb cable and the midi connector is on the bottom. Here’s a view of the left side: You can see the Midi cable attached on the left side of this picture. I’m using a rubber band to hold the slider in the lowest not… Read More »HW Design (Mechanical)
Here’s the schematic: The box in the middle is an Arduino Uno, which has everything we’ll need for this project. Breath Controller: The Gordophone blog has some great information on building a breath controller. I used the Freescale MPVZ4006GW7U, which is a through-hole part. I wanted to put the part on a prototype shield and I didn’t want solder a surface mount part; however after putting everything together I’m not sure this was a good decision, the arduino plus the shield plus… Read More »HW Design (Electrical)